To avoid any issues with your personal insurance provider, contact your agent or broker to find out if you’re allowed to participate in the Turo peer-to-peer marketplace.
A personal auto insurance policy doesn’t normally provide coverage if the vehicle is rented out. This means that there wouldn’t typically be coverage under your personal auto insurance policy during the delivery and reservation periods. Coverage for the delivery and reservation periods will be provided under the commercial policy issued by Economical.
If your personal policy is charged because of an accident that occurred during the delivery period, or while a guest is in possession of your vehicle, contact your personal insurance broker or agent. If applicable, Economical will provide you with a letter to give to your personal car insurance company to let them know that the claim is being charged to the commercial policy instead. However, any driving infractions that occur during the delivery period (e.g., speeding tickets) could potentially affect your personal car insurance policy.