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Insurance claim reporting and support

If you’ve been affected by a severe weather event, contact our 24-hour emergency claims number at 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec). Our claims teams are standing by, ready to support you.

We do our best to respond to everyone's calls, but increased volume may cause delays in our response times. While you wait to hear from us, reach out to local resources to assist with emergency repairs and collect all the information you’ll need to make a home insurance claim or a car insurance claim.

Thank you for your patience, and stay safe.

Our team is ready to help

If you’ve recently been affected by flooding, we’re here for you. Please call our 24-hour emergency claims team at 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec) for support and to begin your property and/or auto claim.

If you’ve been displaced or evacuated

If you’re forced to leave your home due to severe weather, and your policy includes coverage for additional living expenses (e.g., hotel and food expenses), remember to keep your receipts. Ask your broker or our claims team to confirm whether you are covered for these out-of-pocket expenses.

To make your transition back home as smooth as possible, refer to these eight tips for returning home after an evacuation.

Severe weather resources

Ice Storm

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