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Our team is ready to help

If you’ve recently been affected by hail, we’re here for you. Please call our 24-hour emergency claims team at 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec) for support and to begin your property and/or auto claim.

Here are the facts on hail

Hail can cause widespread damage and dangerous conditions. Often developing quickly, hailstorms can cause significant property damage and risk of personal injury.

Take the time to learn how you can get prepared, reduce damage, and stay safe.

Check out these resources

A woman and little girl sit together under a blanket and look out the window, showing you what to do before, during, and after a hailstorm

Before, during, and after a hailstorm

Severe hailstorms can strike quickly and catch us by surprise. Learn how to protect your family and your property in the event of a hailstorm.
Read more

Link to results for: At home

Here is how to protect your car from hail damage, like the hail collected on this car's windshield

How to protect your car from hail damage

Here a few ways you can protect your car from the dings, dents, and other damage that can be caused by hail.
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Link to results for: On the road, Link to results for: Car insurance, Link to results for: Group Insurance

Two hands hold multiple large hail stones, showing why you need to protect your small business from hailstorm damage.

How to protect your small business from hailstorm damage

Hailstorms can damage your property and potentially injure staff and customers. Learn how to prepare for hailstorms and reduce your risk of damage.
Read more

Link to results for: Business insurance

How to prepare for an emergency at home

Take these proactive measures to prepare for any weather emergency at home and keep your property and loved ones safe.

How to prepare for an emergency at home

Be prepared for any emergency. Follow these tips to plan ahead and keep your household safe if the unexpected happens.

  1. Tune in to your local news for the latest forecast and updates.
  2. Write out an emergency exit plan. Map out your home and the surrounding area to plan an exit route and safe meeting place just in case you need to leave your house in a hurry.
  3. Review your emergency contact list. Write down the names and numbers of local emergency services, your utilities providers, your relatives, your family doctor, and your insurance broker.
  4. Keep your emergency kit stocked up. Your emergency kit should contain at last three days’ worth of supplies, including cash, a battery-powered radio, non-perishable food, water, a first aid kit, flashlights, and blankets.
  5. Review your home and car insurance policies. Make sure you have the right coverage! Look through your insurance policies at renewal time and double-check that everything is up to date. Reach out to your broker if you need to make a change.

Protect what matters most.

Insurance claim reporting and support

Have you been affected by hail and need to make a claim? Our claims teams are standing by and ready to support you.

Make a property claimMake an auto claim

Our 24-hour emergency claims number is 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec).

We do our best to respond to everyone's calls, but increased volume may cause delays in our response times. While you wait to hear from us, reach out to local resources to assist with emergency repairs and collect all the information you’ll need to make a home insurance claim.

Thank you for your patience, and stay safe.