A woman wearing a helmet and jacket rides her bike on a city street to demonstrate how to enjoy safe summer biking

Biking is a great way to get around town, save money on gas, and get some exercise. You likely learned to ride a bike as a kid, and chances are you weren't commuting across the city to your office job or sharing the road with cars, trucks, and other motorized vehicles. While it can be intimidating at first, a little bit of planning will go a long way to help you ride with confidence. Here's a quick guide to get you out on the road and enjoying life on two wheels.

Take care of your bike

Just like a car, your bike needs regular maintenance and attention. Ignoring problems will not only cost you more money in the long run, but it could put your safety at risk, too. You can learn how to do most basic bike maintenance yourself, but a local bike shop can also help you out for a reasonable fee if that's more your speed. Before hitting the road or trails, you should always:

  • Check your tire pressure
  • Lubricate your chain
  • Test your brakes
  • Make sure your wheels are tightly fastened

Remember to check that your bike lock is still secure and hasn't been compromised so you can properly lock up your bike and prevent bike theft.

Don't forget your protective gear

A properly fitted helmet can save your life, but the goal is always to avoid accidents altogether. To keep you as a safe as possible, always be visible to drivers in motorized vehicles, other cyclists, and pedestrians. When planning for an upcoming ride, make sure you:

  • Wear bright colours
  • Have reflectors on your bike and clothes
  • Mount both front and rear lights

A loud bell on your bike can also help you communicate with others on the road. This is especially handy when passing parked cars that could swing open a door at any moment. Finally, always look at the weather forecast before leaving home so you can dress appropriately. Even if it's cloudy outside, make sure you grab your sunscreen and sunglasses to protect your skin and eyes.

Keep up with basic bike maintenance, like oiling your bike chains, maintaining proper tire pressure, and testing your brakes, to guarantee a safe and smooth ride all summer long.

Know the written and unwritten rules of the road

For the most part, riding a bike in traffic is very similar to driving a car. You must signal to change lanes or make a turn, yield to pedestrians, pass on the left, and obey all posted signs. In cities where there are bikes lanes, keep an eye out for signs specifically for cyclists.

Always ride about one metre from the curb or parked cars so you have enough space to move around potholes or debris on the road without swerving into traffic. Try to maintain a straight line while cycling and be as predictable as possible for drivers. Bike laws are different across the country, so do your research ahead of time to familiarize yourself with local rules if you're unsure.

Learn basic bike hand signals

Since bicycles aren't equipped with indicator or brake lights, you should use hand signals when making a turn or stopping to communicate with other bicyclists and drivers. Brush up on these basic bike hand signals to keep yourself and others safe on the road:

  • "Turning left" can be signalled by extending your left arm straight out to the side, with your palm facing out in front of you
  • "Turning right" is signalled by extending your right arm straight out to your side, with your palm facing out in front of you, or by lifting your left arm up, with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle and palm facing out (like you're giving someone a high five)
  • "Stopping" is signalled by bending your left arm down, with your elbow bent at a 90-degree angle and your palm facing behind you

Do you know the basic hand signals to use while you're biking? Always signal when you intend to turn left, turn right, or stop to help other bikers and drivers anticipate your next move.

Plan your route

Unless you want to get stuck struggling up a hill or trapped between city buses, planning your route is the easiest way to take stress out of your ride. Find a map of local bike lanes and take advantage of them as much as possible. They're like a magical yellow brick road of urban cycling (sorry Toto, no dogs allowed in the bike lane).

Over time, you'll learn the best routes in your city that'll help you avoid traffic, potholes, and hills, so you can feel safe on every ride.

Stay alert on the road

While you likely travel much slower on your bike than you do in your car, you're also much more vulnerable. Keep an eye out for pedestrians crossing the street, cars making turns through bike lanes or pulling out of street parking spots, and light rail tracks. In rural areas, roads may not be as well maintained as they are in bigger cities, so keep an eye out for branches, larger potholes, or loose gravel. Remember to keep watch for slow-moving farm equipment and deer crossings!

While spring, fall, and winter can each bring their own set of challenges when it comes to biking, this bike safety guide should get you into gear for the dry, warm summer months. Happy pedalling and stay safe!

Did you know you may be able to insure your bike under your home, condo, or tenant insurance policy? Talk to your licensed insurance broker to learn more today.

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