A man and woman unpack boxes in a kitchen, showing what you need to know when buying your first home

Whether you’re just beginning to think about buying your first home or you’ve already put in an offer, there’s no time like the present to learn more about the buying process. This collection of articles can prepare you for your house-buying journey, from making an offer to getting your keys on closing day:

Here’s what to keep in mind if you’re thinking about buying an older home.
House hunting? Watch out for these factors that could affect your home insurance.
Consider these tips to help make your first home purchase as stress-free as possible.
Got questions about home insurance and how it could affect your mortgage? We’ve got answers.
You just bought your first house! Now what? Check these things off your to-do list.
Find out if your home insurance will protect your stuff while it’s being moved by a moving company.

When shopping for your first home, there are a lot of important questions to ask that could help you avoid costly repairs and save on home insurance. Get the full scoop.

Buying home insurance is an important step in the home buying process, and having the right coverage is key before you sign on the dotted line. Not sure what you’re looking for? No problem — read this guide to learn everything you need to know about shopping for home insurance.

If you need help making sense of your home insurance options, reach out to a licensed broker. A broker can do the research for you and help you find the right policy to suit your needs. If you’ve never connected with an insurance broker before, you can search for a broker near you today.

Know someone who’s thinking about buying their first home? Share this article on Facebook or Twitter to prepare them for their big purchase.