A man and woman look out the window of their living room, showing simple ways to avoid common home insurance claims

Whether you’re determined to keep your claims-free discount or you just don’t want to deal with the hassle that comes with completing repairs to your home, there are plenty of reasons why you’d want to avoid having to make a home insurance claim. Luckily, you can take some simple steps as a homeowner to protect your property and avoid the most common claims.


Water damage is the leading cause of home insurance claims, making up about half of all Economical claims across the country. Whether the culprit is a backed-up sewer, broken or burst pipes, heavy rain, or the spring thaw, water seems to make its way into even the smallest nooks and crannies — and it sure can make a mess. To prevent hefty water damage claims, keep these tips in mind:

Did you know that not all home insurance policies come with coverage for damage caused by sewer backups or water that enters your home from other external sources? Learn more about flood insurance and contact your broker to find out what’s covered by your own policy.

Water, wind, hail, and fire are common culprits behind home insurance claims. Luckily, there are plenty of steps you can take to prevent them from doing damage to your home.

Hail and wind

Damage caused by hail (and the wind that goes along with it) is the first runner up. When it comes to wind-related damage, the wind itself is only partially to blame. It’s the objects that are picked up and tossed around your property that tend to be the problem. Here are a few ways to keep those pesky hail and wind risks at bay:

  • Safely secure or store any patio furniture, planters, or outdoor tools that could be damaged by the hail or moved by the wind
  • Inspect your roof at least once a year, and have any missing or damaged shingles replaced by a professional roofing contractor
  • Keep your trees and shrubs trimmed, and be sure to remove any loose or dead branches that could become airborne in a storm and break through a window
  • Avoid personal injury by staying indoors and keeping kids and pets away from glass windows and doors that could be shattered or broken in by flying debris
  • Learn more about how to protect your family and your property before, during, and after a hailstorm or a windstorm occurs

Hail and wind can cause loose tree branches to become airborne during a storm. To protect your home (and your windows!), trim trees near your property and remove any dead branches you find.


Although common, fire is one of the most preventable causes of home insurance claims. To keep your home fire-free, don’t forget to:

Cooking is one of the leading causes of residential fires. To avoid kitchen fires, roll up your sleeves, place lids on bubbling pans, and turn pot handles away from curious kids and pets.


Having your personal belongings stolen from your home or property is just that — it’s personal. Not only can it be tough on your emotions, but it can also be difficult or even impossible to replace what has been taken — especially sentimental, one-of-a-kind, or antique items. The good news is there are several low-effort, no-cost steps you can take to deter theft:

Did you know some of the steps you take to prevent future home insurance claims — like installing a security system — could also qualify you for a home insurance discount? It’s true! Find out how.

They say the best way to predict the future is to create it. When it comes to home insurance claims, there is a lot that you can do to stop damage from happening in the first place. Although it may not be possible to avoid damage in every situation, you can certainly play a big role in keeping it to a minimum.

Your broker can help you choose the right home insurance for your family, and they’ll be there for you when you need to make a claim.

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