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Our team is ready to help

If you’ve recently been affected by a snowstorm, we’re here for you. Please call our 24-hour emergency claims team at 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec) for support and to begin your property and/or auto claim.

Here are the facts on snowstorms

Snowstorms can last for days, causing widespread damage and dangerous conditions. Characterized by heavy snowfall, strong winds, and drastic temperature swings, affected communities are at risk of flooding, blackouts, and damage from falling tree branches.

Take the time to learn how you can get prepared, reduce damage, and stay safe.

Check out these resources

A child looks out a window as it snows, showing what to do before, during, and after a snowstorm

Before, during, and after a snowstorm

Keep these tips in mind to stay safe and warm next time a major snowstorm or blizzard hits your neighbourhood.
Read more

Link to results for: At home, Link to results for: On the road

A man drives in snow showing what to do before, during, and after driving through a Canadian blizzard

Before, during, and after: driving through a Canadian blizzard

Whether you’re a new driver or a seasoned veteran, you should always take these practical precautions before, during, and after each winter drive.
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Link to results for: On the road

Here are 10 ways winter can damage your home, as shown by a row of houses covered in snow

10 ways winter weather can damage your home

Winter weather and drastic changes in temperature can damage your home. Here are 10 issues to watch out for this season, plus tips to avoid damage.
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Link to results for: At home

Understanding how an ice dam forms

By understanding how ice dams form, you can prevent them from developing and protect your home from damage.

Insurance claim reporting and support

Have you been affected by a snowstorm and need to make a claim? Our claims teams are standing by and ready to support you.

Make a property claimMake an auto claim

Our 24-hour emergency claims number is 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec).

We do our best to respond to everyone's calls, but increased volume may cause delays in our response times. While you wait to hear from us, reach out to local resources to assist with emergency repairs and collect all the information you’ll need to make a home insurance claim.

Thank you for your patience, and stay safe.