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Our team is ready to help

If you’ve recently been affected by flooding, we’re here for you. Please call our 24-hour emergency claims team at 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec) for support and to begin your property and/or auto claim.

Here are the facts on flooding

Flooding is Canada’s most costly natural disaster, with water being the leading cause of home insurance claims. Unfortunately, climate change is increasing the occurrence of severe weather events, and more communities are at risk of flooding than ever before.

Take the time to learn how you can get prepared, reduce damage, and stay safe.

Check out these resources

Rain drops sit on an open window, showing why you should know if your home insurance includes water damage coverage

Q&A: Do I really have “flood insurance”?

Severe weather, like flooding, is becoming more common. Learn whether your home is protected in a flood and how to get the right water coverage.
Read more

Link to results for: Home insurance, Link to results for: Group Insurance

Here’s how to measure your basement's risk of flooding, as shown by a furnished basement living room

Factors that can increase your basement's risk for flooding

According to the Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction, these ten 11 factors can increase your basement’s risk for flooding.
Read more

Link to results for: At home

An aerial shot of a sump pump shows the basics of how they work

Sump pump 101

Learn how sump pumps work and how you can keep yours flowing smoothly all year long.
Read more

Link to results for: At home, Link to results for: Home insurance, Link to results for: Group Insurance

Learn from an industry expert

Learn how you can prepare for flooding from Definity’s Craig Richardson, Senior VP and Chief Claims Officer.

Understand your risk of flooding

How to prevent damage to your vehicle during a flood

Before a major rain fall or overland flood event happens, check out these tips to protect your vehicle, prevent damage, and stay safe during a flood.

How to prevent damage to your vehicle during a flood


When a major storm is on the way and there’s a risk of flooding, take these simple steps to prevent damage to your vehicle and keep it safe.

  1. Close all windows, doors, and your sunroof.
  2. Relocate your car to higher ground if water hasn’t reached you and it’s safe to drive. Avoid leaving your car in low-lying areas. Instead, park your car in an above-ground parking garage or on a hill.
  3. Avoid driving through puddles. You never know how deep a puddle is, and even if it’s shallow, water can still splash up and damage the bottom of your vehicle.
  4. If your car is already surrounded by water don’t start your car. If water reaches your engine while your car is on, it could cause significant damage and compromise your safety.
  5. If your car is already surrounded by water don’t open your car’s doors or windows. If any moisture gets in your car’s cabin, it can cause humidity to rise and may damage electronic components, like the airbag deployment system.

Weather can be unpredictable, but you can plan ahead to protect your vehicle and stay safe. Check in with your car insurance broker to make sure you have the right coverage to protect you in the event of a flood.

Insurance claim reporting and support

Have you been affected by flooding and need to make a claim? Our claims teams are standing by and ready to support you.

Make a property claimMake an auto claim

Our 24-hour emergency claims number is 1-800-607-2424 (1-888-875-8088 in Quebec).

We do our best to respond to everyone's calls, but increased volume may cause delays in our response times. While you wait to hear from us, reach out to local resources to assist with emergency repairs and collect all the information you’ll need to make a home insurance claim.

Thank you for your patience, and stay safe.