[rain pouring]

Mark Jaklic: All of a sudden, they said that rain was going to come. So we went out on the front porch and then I kind of said to myself, wow. Maybe I should check to see if we're getting a little bit of water. I heard a noise. I went into the furnace room and I saw this fountain coming up from the drain. And we actually called the insurance company.

So it was, like, very quick the way Economical Insurance worked for us. And then Wednesday night, they came around supper time, started tearing open the walls, took out all the flooring. Everything's turned out pretty well the way we wanted it. We tried to decorate in the same way.

If I was going to say anything to Economical Insurance, I would have to say, thank you so much for everything you did for us. If they do that for everyone, they should have the whole world as their clients. Put it that way. Those are great.